Lynx Parts

Construction site in winter


Temperatures drop, frosts and flakes appear, Winter is coming! The onset of winter exposes the worksite teams to new risks and it is essential to be prepared. We have therefore selected the 7 tips to adopt to improve the safety of companions and their working comfort on site.

Prevent risks

Prevention is better than cure. An expression known to all to apply by appropriating several tools :

Evaluate the risks by updating the single document : Cold, rain, frost or snow and the associated risks are identified and analyzed in the single occupational risk document in order to secure exterior work sites. It is thus possible to take suitable preventive measures. For example, the implementation of PPSPS is strongly recommended.

Secure traffic by keeping them clear : Supervising traffic every day helps prevent the formation of ice and snow accumulation.

Some good practices to apply :

- Spread salt to reduce ice and limit the risk of falling.
- Using sand, it increases the traction of the soil by reducing the reflection of the sun.

Pay particular attention to work surfaces. Walking around a construction site can be extremely dangerous, even under the best of conditions. When you are in the presence of rain, snow or frozen ground, safety on the job site becomes more and more difficult.

Inspect the site for snow control : The formation of stalactites (formation of sharp ice that is located at height) and the accumulation of snow at height can be a danger. Evacuation of snow reduces the risk of an accident. If this is not possible, mark the danger zone so that no one can work there.

Inform and educate the teams : For this, several supports are possible, security point before the start of the day, posters, guide, ...

The weather is your best ally

Sending a team to work under a storm is unthinkable. Consulting the weather forecast allows you to plan and adapt to inclement weather (by favoring indoor work, for example), or even to stop the activity if necessary. The weather vigilance map indicates the risk of bad weather 24 hours before.

Equip yourself correctly, limit exposure to the cold

Exposure to cold can cause frostbite (painful lesions that mainly affect the hands, feet, nose and ears) or hypothermia (body temperature below 35 ° C which causes numbness, chills and goosebumps). Moreover, knowing these symptoms can quickly identify victims who can be treated as soon as possible.

Reducing the working time outdoors helps limit exposure to the cold, by rotating for example. 30% of the heat is evacuated by the extremities (hands, feet, head), which is why it is necessary to be equipped to limit this loss of heat.

Some useful equipment to be prepared for polar temperatures :

- A fleece cap adapted to the helmet keeps the brain at the ideal temperature and will be in good condition for thinking!
- Cotton should be avoided because it retains moisture. Some technical clothing allows you to stay warm while wicking away sweat.
- Gloves and socks, fleeces if possible.
- Several layers of clothing for better insulation and protection against the wind.
- Loose clothing that will not prevent warm blood from circulating throughout the body.
- Insulated and waterproof boots for foot protection and take the larger size to allow for another layer of socks.

Scarves are not recommended on site, as they present a risk of snagging with tools / machinery.

Eat well on site

The body must eat in quality and quantity in order to fight against the cold. Here are some foods to favor / avoid to stay in shape all day !

Foods to be preferred :

- Foods rich in slow sugars, slowly assimilated and therefore available for long-term effort.
- We recommend wholemeal bread, pasta and pulses.
- Hot drinks: herbal tea or hot chocolate if possible.

Foods to Avoid :

- Coffee. Indeed, caffeine accelerates the heart rate which can give a false sensation of warming.

At the same time, it is important to provide its employees with a temporary shelter so that they can warm up like a construction trailer or a camp.

Alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided

Alcohol and Cigarettes are false friends. Some may think that these two products can heat up, but that is not true! Alcohol dehydrates and makes you feel hot, not to mention the dangers of intoxication. Smoking causes the blood vessels to narrow (vasoconstriction) which increases sensitivity to the cold.

Adapt work to climatic conditions

The combination of cold and intense physical exertion causes bronchial spasms (deep breaths cool the body from the inside). It is therefore necessary to lighten the manual workload in the event of extreme cold.

The machines deserve our attention, especially in winter

Construction machinery can reduce the drudgery of manual tasks and increase productivity. You still have to prepare the gear for winter and provide :

- Winter emergency kits : they make it possible to secure a driver who is stuck in his machine because of the snow. They contain an ice scraper, shovel, flashlight, blanket, provisions and even flares! If you do not yet have a winter machine, know that Tracktor makes it possible to hire construction equipment between construction professionals at a reduced price.
- To examine your machines : before starting the winter season, do not hesitate to inspect your machines, for example by examining the tire pressure. Indeed, a drop in temperature can deflate the tires quickly.
- To equip your gear : We often think of the equipment of the companions but what about the gear? It is possible to equip the machines with chains to increase grip on snow, this type of equipment can make all the difference !
- Watch the wind : for lifting equipment and machines for working at height, the wind speed must be measured and the operating limits of the machines must be taken into account (refer to the technical instructions for the machine).
- Energy for winter : think about changing the batteries. With cold the batteries run out faster. This is why it may be wise to change (before winter) batteries that charge poorly.

When you are not using your telehandlers, loaders or other machinery, store them in enclosed spaces. Keep them in slightly heated places such as in a storage container, if possible. You will want to keep oil, fuel, and other essential fluids at room temperature. When the temperature drops, the oil can solidify. This change of state can cause major engine problems.

If you use battery-powered forklifts and other equipment, keep the battery as charged as possible. When temperatures drop, the trolleys require more energy. If you can't park the machine indoors, consider removing the battery and storing it indoors while it charges.

In cold weather, run your construction machine's engine for a minute or two, briefly test the machine, and then put it to work.

Before your team members start a task, have them inspect each piece of equipment before using it, too. Belt cracks can form easily in cold weather, but your team can spot these minor issues if they know what to look for.

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